Our Mission
For everyone to become and project the best version of themself, and find lasting love with a truly compatible partner.
What Do We Stand For?
Singles don't waste time browsing, messaging or dealing with fake profiles. Matchmakers quickly hone in on the right matches.
We are fanatics about pairing people so they truly last, based on relationship data we already know plus our own continuous testing.
We welcome all people, as long as they're open to a serious relationship. Anyone can sign up and be eligible to be matched.
We have set pricing, share the names of our partner companies, display real couples on our site, and always tell the truth.
We continue to develop the latest tech to help pair people best, from advanced filters to a helpful matching algorithm.
Carla Swiryn
Carla combined her ten years of marketing, tech, and client service experience (mainly at Google) and six years as a professional matchmaker before creating DateSpot in 2019.
She has the pleasure of running and growing the business, doing 1:1 consultations, and identifying and reviewing matches.
She lives in the world's innovation hub of Silicon Valley, where she was born and raised. She has also enjoyed living in Colorado, Florida, Spain, Brazil, and India.
Carla can personally relate to the dating struggle -- she was 40 when she found her amazing partner, Greg. They now share a toddler daughter, Ava, who lights up their lives. Given Ava's kindness, intelligence, and drive, Carla sees major potential for her to join DateSpot's leadership team, but she promises to let Ava make the call.
Nicole Musap
Experienced & skillful matchmaker, dating coach, & published author fostering client connections & curating matches.
Nicole Richardson
Seasoned business development specialist with a lot of heart, forging strategic alliances and nurturing existing ones.
Nico Werner
Our driven, strategic full-stack developer who continually pushes the tech forward for further efficiency.
Rosie Camara
An Integrated Design graduate & expert, holistically incorporating graphic, experience and industrial.
Amra Druzanovic
Founder of 77 Socials, she informs and engages the public through creative content across our four platforms.
Elise Braunschweiger
Inclusive dating coach at Conscious Connections who recruits exceptional members for our clientele.
Navin Ramachandran
Match.com's former COO who shares invaluable insight while empowering visionaries worldwide through Kanthari.
Greg Guarnay
Carla's fiance also helps with the business, armed with an MBA from UCLA and a VP role at a software startup.
Founder's Letter:
The DateSpot Story
Most people don't grow up wanting to be a matchmaker, and I was one of them. The career wasn't presented as a viable option - at least not to me in the CA Bay Area. Advertising sounded fun, lucrative, and creative, so I pursued it. I worked as a copywriter developing ideas for print and radio ads, worked at Google for seven years creating and optimizing digital ads, and then ran my own online ad agency.
In 2013, my friend mentioned that someone was looking for help building her matchmaking startup. Thinking it could be an interesting side gig, I decided to help out with events and recruiting candidates part-time. After a few months, I realized that I was more excited to work on this other company than my own, so I shifted fields and became their first hired matchmaker.
I enjoyed growing their Bay Area member base from essentially zero to over 10,000 over five years. Even better - I successfully matched up multiple couples who would go on to get married - the youngest was in their twenties, and the oldest was in their fifties.
I loved it, but entrepreneurship is addicting. I started to think about allowing singles a fresh option for singles, that would also help matchmakers in a unique way. So I explored it, without an MBA, a co-founder, or any outside funding. DateSpot was founded in December 2019, focused on free matchmaking. In 2022 we added new services beyond matchmaking and expanded the geography to effectively match people nationwide (and even accept people internationally).
I bring my experience in marketing analytics to the matching process, being more data-driven than most matchmakers. I break up many answers to questions in singles onboarding into more options than most dating services have in order to pair people better. I continue to test many dimensions that could be measures of compatibility to bring fresh insight to the public.
There's no perfect algorithm for matching, but we can strive to get as much important data as possible to get close. We look at physical attraction, common goals, overlapping interests, lifestyle habits, being on the same “wavelength”, and a balance in energy. You don’t want to date yourself! I took this to heart and soon after founding my company, met my own amazing life partner.
My wish for you is that however you find love, you do find it. I also hope that you love yourself deeply as much as anyone else and understand its important role in attraction. While we’re all independent beings fully capable of living and thriving alone, and moments of singledom can be fun and healing, life is even better shared with someone else.